The Courier

Get your kids outside: The positive effects of outdoor play

 Exploring the outdoors will open up a world of opportunity for children. Picture Shutterstock
Exploring the outdoors will open up a world of opportunity for children. Picture Shutterstock

Are there any benefits to letting your child play outdoors? Whether it be running around the park, climbing hills, or playing in a jungle gym, playing outdoors has some significant effects on our kids that'll add positively to their growth and development as people.

In this article, we're going to take you through some of these positive effects, so you know just how valuable outside play time is for your kid.

What do we mean by outdoor play?

When we refer to outdoor play, we're talking about any engaging activity that your kids can do outside of the house, school or just indoors. This could be playing sports like football or cricket. Or hiking with the family. For young kids, this would likely be playing at the park or in the school playground with friends. It's helpful to keep this in mind as we discuss this topic further.

Why is outside play important?

Playing outside is super important for kids. It helps them stay healthy by running and jumping around, which is good for their bodies. They also learn how to get along with others while playing games and making friends. Being outside sparks their creativity and lets them explore new things. Plus, getting sunlight helps their bones grow strong.

Positive effects of playing outside on kids

Ever worked a long day and thought, "All I need is some fresh air?" The need for the outdoors is universal and even more important for our kids. Here are some positive effects playing outside has on our kids.

Exposure to sunshine

Letting your kids get their daily dose of vitamins do does more than just provide them with healthy skin. Being in the dun also also means that our bodies tune its internal clock, which uses sunrise and set as a method of knowing when to sleep and wake up. Exposing your kids to the sun will just strengthen this clock, identifying times to be awake with being in the sun.

Getting sufficient vitamin D is also essential for kids as they grow. This vitamin aids in numerous health factors, including muscle growth, bone growth, energy and even the timing of puberty.

Better exercise

For some parents, they'd say their kids have too much energy. But this isn't always the case. Some kids need a nudge out the door. Playing outdoors provides kids with exercise. Studies show that kids are twice as active when they play outside. This has benefits on their overall health, including cardiovascular and muscular health.

Consistent exercise for kids will also have a significant impact on their ability as they grow. For instance, kids who build a natural athletic ability while young might excel at certain sports later in life.

Develop social skills

Social skills are among some of the most important skills person can develop in their life. Good social skills can open doors in the business world and more. Playing outside with other kids allows them to develop social skills by communicating, planning, and engaging with other kids in activities. This will allow your kid to develop key skills like empathy, leadership, communication, and teamwork. All these skills will benefit them when they're older.

Build confidence

Ever heard the saying "fake it till you make it"? While this isn't always the best solution, it takes tons of confidence to do it. Exploring the outdoors and tackling new challenges will help your child build the confidence they need to make it in today's society. Whether they need to "fake it till they make it" or simply just make it, they'll have the confidence to do so.

Improve gross motor skills

Professional sportsmen generally reach their level because they start playing their given sport at an extremely young age. The sooner you learn the basics, the better. Kids who play outdoors and engage in outdoor activities develop the motor skills around the activity a lot faster than others. Taking a specific sport aside, allowing your child to simply play outdoors and explore will help them unlock new skills and develop their gross motor skills in their own way.

Easy ways to provide an outdoor playground at home

We understand that life is busy, and it isn't always possible to take your kids to the park or hike. But the truth is that all you need is a reasonably sized back and you're sorted. In your backyard, you can design a playground for your child. From building your own DIY jungle gym to purchasing Vuly Monkey Bars, there's so much you can do.

Final thoughts

Let your kids run wild and engage the most creative parts of themselves. Exploring the outdoors will open up a world of opportunity for them, allowing their imaginations to go wild and encouraging them to take on challenges with confidence.